Author Archives: Paola Parolari

FIRST plenary meeting in Pisa

FIRST partners met for their plenary meeting in Pisa hosted by the Sant’Anna partner. As usual the discussions on the most recent achievements were very interesting. The project has generated a lot of amazing results, as confirmed by the high number of accepted papers at OFC 2023. We are also foreseeing new experiments and field trials in l’Aquila.

FIRST plenary meeting in Trento

Taking advantage of the ICOP 2022 conference FIRST partners met for their plenary meeting. In Trento we updated each other on the most recent achievements and programmed next experiments and field trials in l’Aquila.

FIRST prize at ICOP 2022

Daniele Orsuti won the best presenter award for the Communication systems category with the invited paper “Deep learning-based Phase Retrieval Scheme for Minimum Phase Signal Recovery”.

Congratulations Daniele!!!!

FIRST at ICOP2022 day 1

FIRST project is at ICOP2022 in Trento. The Italian photonics community meets again after the last pandemic years and FIRST partners are here to present their impressive works! On June 15th we had:

I.02 MIMO-free transmission system exploiting mode group division multiplexing in FMF Alberto Gatto  (invited)

O.06 Forward Raman amplification in few-mode fibers with modal coupling due to stress birefringence and core ellipticity Marco Santagiustina 

O.07 On the interplay between cross-phase modulation and spatial mode dispersion Chiara Lasagni

FIRST at OFC2022

San Diego – CA, on Thursday March 10th, it was presented the Postdeadline paper

Real-Time MIMO Transmission over Field-Deployed Coupled-Core Multi-Core Fibers

M. Mazur, R. Ryf, N. K. Fontaine, A. Marotta, E. Börjeson, L. Dallachiesa, H. Chen, T. Hayashi, T. Nagashima, T. Nakanishi, T. Morishima, F. Graziosi, L. Palmieri, D. T. Neilson, P. Larsson-Edefors, A. Mecozzi, and C. Antonelli

Its experimentations were performed in L’Aquila deployed MFC network.

Congratulations to FIRST coauthors for this great achievement!


FIRST 4th plenary meeting ONLINE

Unfortunately the pandemic situation forced again FIRST partners to join in an online meeting on February 10th 2022. Nevertheless as usual it was a pleasure talking together. New interesting results were presented by the partners. The project keeps on moving forward. We are confident we will be able to meet again in person soon. #l’Aquila #FIRST #SDM #Photonics #passion4photonics

FIRST plenary meeting at l’Aquila

It was great to meet again in person after so many months seeing each other online. FIRST partners met at l’Aquila on September 24th 2021. Despite the Covid-19 situation a lot of joint activities were carried out; we discussed the results obtained in these last 6 months. We are looking forward to have other in person meetings. #l’Aquila #FIRST #SDM #Photonics #passion4photonics

FIRST 3rd plenary meeting ONLINE

Unfortunately the pandemic situation forced again FIRST partners to join in an online meeting on February 5th 2021. Nevertheless it was a pleasure talking together. We discussed project activities performed in these last 4 months. We are looking forward to the time we will be able to meet in person. #l’Aquila #FIRST #SDM #Photonics #passion4photonics