Politecnico di Milano is the largest school of architecture, design and engineering in Italy, with three main campuses located in Milan and five more branches around the Lombardy region. In particular, the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingengeria (DEIB) is one of the largest European ICT departments, with nearly 1000 members, researchers, collaborators, PhD students, technical and administrative staff. The six department sections cluster consolidated competences in systems and control, computer science and engineering, electronics, telecommunications, bioengineering and electrical engineering. DEIB has strong reputation in attracting projects and investments, from both public institutions and private companies, at the national and international level.
The Politecnico di Milano Team is represented in FIRST by the Optical Communications Group – (called PoliCom Group – www.policom.deib.polimi.it) at DEIB. The group collects interdisciplinary competence and experience in optical fiber communications, as well as specific aspects of optical communications systems at high bit rate for short, medium and long-haul distances; fibre-optic and related optical technologies; the exploitation of multicarrier modulation formats (OFDM, FDM, DMT), SDM propagation and multiplexing/demultiplexing; energy-efficient and cost-effective solutions for metro/access domain, WDM and TWDM PON and client optics applications; distributed fibre sensors; and more. PoliCom group is currently coordinating the Horizon2020 RIA project PASSION (www.passion-project.eu) and it is participating to the EU Horizon2020 project “NGCTR DIGIFuel” (CleanSky Call2). In the past PoliCom participated to the PRIN2010-2011 ROAD-NGN project.
Related projects
PASSION – Photonic technologies for progrAmmable transmission and switching modular systems based on Scalable Spectrum/space aggregation for future agIle high capacity metrO Networks, finanziato da EU Horizon 2020 Programme (RIA ICT-30 Call Photonics KET) – GA 780326 (durata: 42 mesi; periodo: 2017-2020
Q-SECURE NET – Optical Frequency/Wavelength Division Multiple Access Techniques for next generation networks, finanziato da EU EIT DIGITAL (Digital Tech) (durata: 12 mesi; periodo: 2020)
Members of PoliMi research unit